Agriculture news from the Messenger’s past
Farm Orchard And Garden
—Of all the food which the hog likes none makes so finely flavored pork as beechnuts.
—The wheat crop of the United State for 1900 figures up 522,229,575 bushels, the average yield per acre being 12.29 bushels.
—When you have taken 200 bushels of potatoes from your land, you have removed two bushels of potash, one of the most valuable of plant foods.
—A young lady in one of the southern states makes good money by fattening turkey on nuts, this food giving the national bird that wild game flavor for which epicures in the cities will pay a very fancy price.
—Which we wish to remark is that the young and inexperienced man the carving of a turkey is very like unto the courting of a nice young lady—he is almost sure to get both of them in his lap before he gets through.