The Meade County Messenger Jan. 30, 1901

A Pistol Duel Fought By Deputy Sheriff Stockdale and Farmer Morton
Mt. Sterling, Ky., Jan. 28– Deputy Sherriff James Stockdale and William Morton, a Farmer, engaged in a pistol duel in Gibbons & Withrew’s saloon. Seven shots were fired. Stockdale was shot in the head and the body, and his wounds are thought to be fatal. He was taken to Lexington to have an operation performed. Morton escaped with a scalp wound and a ball through the arm. He is not seriously hurt. He is in jail pending the result of Stockdale’s wounds. The shooting was the result of a quarrel over the approaching democratic primary for state senator. Both men are active democrats and have a large following.
The Arcade, D.S. Richardson, Prop. Brandenburg, Ky.
Boys heavy winter shoes- $1.15, laundered and unlaundered white shirts – 50 cents, Our Slaughter Prices on Ladies Jackets! $2.98, Patent Leather Ladies Shoes for $2.98, 248 pairsMen’s Job Lot Shoes, regular price $2 reduced to 98 cents. This is the biggest bargain ever offered in Brandenburg.

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