February Fiscal Court Meeting
The February regular Fiscal Court meeting opened with committee reports. Magistrate Eli Dix spoke of attending the Extension Office meeting where the main topic revolved around the planned expansion and publicizing the need for it. He spoke of the lack of meeting space due to the number of programs they have scheduled. Magistrate Gary Chapman inquired if they sometimes duplicate the library’s programs. It was discussed that it appeared to be more of a case of the library wanting to duplicate the Extension Office’s programs versus the opposite. It was also brought up that the Extension Office expansion has been in the works for some time. The library is also in the process of a $2.5 million expansion.
Sheriff Wimpee returned $3,946.17 to the Court in excess fees. Chapman also explained he has had several constituents bring up concerns about the sheriff’s office’s ability to handle the added Nucor growth. Wimpee explained how this is very much on his mind. He stated the department will be fully staffed in terms of the budget in April as soon as the newest deputy comes out of the police academy.
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